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The Pointer module allows you to draw attention to your images by placing a round, glowing tooltip with an animated text box. It’s a great way to emphasize certain parts of an image, create further engagement with your advertisements, or to simply relay a message. Check out how it works below:

iPad Air

Built with cool new features and slim desing, the new iPad Air will enhance your media experience. With amazing built-in speakers, retina display, and amazing application it’s probably one of the tablets out in the market. Check out the new iPad Air specs by hovering your cursor on top of each pointer


My Morning Must-have’s

Getting your mornings must-have’s tend to be the deciding factor that can either make or break your day. Here are some of the morning things that I must have in order to start my mornings right. Hover your cursor over the pointers to see what my morning essentials are.


Audi S5 Interior

Custom pointer, tooltip, and text colour. Hover to cursor to see it in action.


How I see my city…

I’ve decided to share to everyone a few of my most visited and favourite landmarks in NYC.


Travel Essentials

Here are some of my travel essentials when I travel


3D Floor Plan

Create an interactive floor plan that caters to your audience preference. Showcase various features of your floor plan with our Pointers Module. Hover your cursor on pointers to see labels.

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