2024.06.20 - version 3.5.5 * Fix: On mobile devices, image overlay doesn't disappear on hover out ------------- 2024.06.06 - version 3.5.4 * Fix: Image Pro preview doesn’t show the overlay ------------- 2024.05.14 - version 3.5.3 * Fix: Restore z-index styling option ------------- 2024.02.28 - version 3.5.2 * Fix: Builder generate-style.css console error for some old layout data ------------- 2024.02.23 - version 3.5.1 * Fix: Builder: Conflict by WP Rocket and Jetpack optimize features ------------- 2024.02.19 - version 3.5.0 * Updated addon to work with Themify 7.5 * PHP 8.2 compatibility ------------- 2023.09.06 - version 3.0.4 * Fix: Hover effect, rotation occurs before hover ------------- ------------- 2022.12.22 - version 3.0.3 * Updated demo layout zip ------------- 2022.12.16 - version 3.0.2 * Fix: Minor issue ------------- 2022.12.09 - version 3.0.1 * Update plugins to work with latest v7 updates ------------- 2022.12.07 - version 3.0.0 * Update to work with Themify v7 * WARNING: This is a major update. Please read the release notes before updating: https://themify.me/blog/themify-v7-release-faster-better ------------- 2022.04.18 - version 2.1.2 * Fix: Partial overlay background not showing until hover ------------- 2022.03.16 - version 2.1.1 * Update to work with framework 5.5.5 ------------- 2022.02.15 - version 2.1.0 * Fix: Overlay Color color stays by default ------------- 2021.09.23 - version 2.0.9 * Fix: Image caption is showing before hover ------------- 2021.08.18 - version 2.0.8 * Fix: Overlay image does not appear in live site ------------- 2021.07.19 - version 2.0.7 * Updated addon to work with Builder inline editor ------------- 2020.12.15 - version 2.0.6 * Fix: With the partial-overlay-Effect selected the image caption remains hidden ------------- 2020.11.04 - version 2.0.5 * New: Add flip button for flip/fade animation on touch devices ------------- 2020.10.29 - version 2.0.4 * Fix: text modal showing repeated content ------------- 2020.10.28 - version 2.0.3 * Fix: Make overlay image hover smooth ------------- 2020.10.16 - version 2.0.2 * Fix: Slide in effect not smooth ------------- 2020.10.14 - version 2.0.1 * Fix: Image doesn't revert on mouse out * Fix: It used to have center text alignment ------------- 2020.10.05 - version 2.0.0 * Add compatibility for Themify framework 5.0 * Must use with Themify theme 5.0+ or Builder plugin 5.0+ ------------- 2019.10.17 - version 1.3.2 * Updated to work with Framework 4.7.0 ------------- 2019.06.25 - version 1.3.1 * Added css filters styling to work with framework 4.5.8 ------------- 2019.06.21 - version 1.3.0 * Added module category to work with framework 4.5.7 ------------- 2019.05.09 - version 1.2.9 * Updated addon to work Framework 4.5 (must update framework with this addon update) ------------- 2018.10.16 - version 1.2.8 * Fix: Image Pro Captions doesn't show shortcodes on front-end ------------- 2018.10.08 - version 1.2.7 * Fix: Image size doesn't show the entered image width and height ------------- 2018.09.27 - version 1.2.6 * Upgrade to framework 4.1.2 (added gradient text styling) ------------- 2018.07.30 - version 1.2.5 * Upgrade Framework 4.0.0 ------------- 2018.05.22 - version 1.2.4 * Fix: Auto fullwidth image option not working ------------- 2018.05.17 - version 1.2.3 * Fix: Adding video in button link causes shaking effect * Fix: Image looks odd on IE ------------- 2018.03.21 - version 1.2.2 * Fix: Partial overlay not showing ------------- 2018.03.21 - version 1.2.1 * Fix: Text align doesn't work * Fix: Alt and Title tags are not set properly * Fix: If custom overlay color entered, overlay leaves behind on mousenout ------------- 2018.02.10 - version 1.2.0 * Fix: The Slide In animation is an error * Fix: Image title/overlay doesn't show on mobile devices unless hover * Fix: Image alignment looking different in Chrome and Safari ------------- 2018.01.20 - version 1.2.0 * Fix: Image not displaying with the Horizontal flip overlay effect * Fix: Partial overlay does not show initial load ------------- 2017.12.08 - version 1.1.9 * Fix: Overlay title shows before scripts loads and not displays onnAndroid devices * Fix: HTML tags no longer supported in image title field ------------- 2017.11.19 - version 1.1.8 * Fix: First image hover affecting other images in the row ------------- 2017.11.01 - version 1.1.7 * Upgrade to framework 3.2.7 ------------- 2017.06.12 - version 1.1.7 * Add: Lightbox width and height option * Fix: Hover effect issue * Fix: Image hiding behind overlay when lightbox closed ------------- 2017.04.20 - version 1.1.6 * Upgrade framework to 3.1.5 * Tweak: Improve async assets file load time ------------- 2017.03.31 - version 1.1.5 * Upgrade framework to 3.1.2 ------------- 2017.03.13 - version 1.1.4 * Tweak: Condition load all addon asset files * Fix: Auto full width option doesnt work ------------- 2017.02.16 - version 1.1.4 * Fix: Round corners disappear when hovering over the picture * Fix: Overlay color and image stays even when we take the mouse offnfrom image * Fix: Module content disappears after lightbox closes * Fix: Image disappears after lightbox close ------------- 2017.01.26 - version 1.1.3 nnFix: Overlay color and image stays even when we take the mouse off fromnimagenFix: Round corners disappear when hovering over the picture ------------- 2016.10.06 - version 1.1.2 * Add: Link new window option * Fix: Blur effect isn't working * Fix: Animation glitch on page load * Fix: Cant drag and drop if partial overlay is selected ------------- 2016.09.15 - version 1.1.1 Fix: Image Pro can't drag & drop on frontend ------------- 2016.09.01 - version 1.1.0 * Add: Image alignment option * Fix: Shortcodes aren't working in Text modal ------------- 2016.06.15 - version 1.0.9 * Fix: Float on image pro wrapper causes issues with other modules ------------- 2016.06.14 - version 1.0.8 * Fix: Overlay extends beyond the image * Fix: Link image to a row anchor * Fix: Add link options to image link ------------- 2016.04.14 - version 1.0.7 * Add: Add Image Link option * Tweak: Option to disable animation entirely * Fix: On iPad the overlay link leads to undefined URL ------------- 2016.03.29 - version 1.0.6 * Enhancement: Added new option 'none' for overlay effects. ------------- 2016.03.02 - version 1.0.5 * Fix: Image block not responsive on Firefox ------------- 2016.02.09 - version 1.0.4 * Fix: Centering issue in overlay * Fix: Overlay remains on the image * Fix: Filter conflict with Ultra ------------- 2016.01.26 - version 1.0.3 * Fix: Images displaying very tall on old iOS 7 and 8 ------------- 2016.01.15 - version 1.0.2 * Fix: Image Pro module doesn't show in Builder ------------- 2016.01.13 - version 1.0.1 * Fix: Non-https content in the sample Builder layout zip ------------- 2016.01.12 - version 1.0.0 * Initial Release ------------- 2016.01.08 - version 1.0.0 * Initial release