2024.12.05 - version 3.6.8 * Add: Allow ‘shortcode’ in other dynamic field types * Add: Post ID option in PTB dynamic field option to query specific post (required latest PTB) * Add: Display condition option in Dynamic > Shortcode * Fix: Advanced Posts: Allow post filter in main query * Fix: Dynamic "Current Date & Time" shows date only, time missing * Fix: Cart Icon: Slide cart open behind body on mobile and FF ------------- 2024.11.11 - version 3.6.7 * Add: Custom query field type (number/text) * Change: Load PTB dynamic content list with Ajax (solve cache issue when adding new fields/post types) * Fix: Featured Image dynamic background appears on all posts * Fix: A.Posts > Styling > Post Container styling doesn’t work if set to slider ------------- 2024.10.14 - version 3.6.6 * Fix: Relevanssi compatibility patch * Fix: Cart Icon dropdown low contrast audit on WAVE validator * Fix: Archive Post: Read more link text-align styling option doesn’t work * Fix: Product archive template conditions don’t work with Polylang enabled * Fix: Archive Post pagination issue on “Blog posts” page * Fix: Advanced Posts: Post container styling selector * Fix: Post-meta: Incorrect Span Wrapping in Terms Module * Fix The Variable Product Add to Cart toggle does not work * Fix: Critical Error in Global Styles Overview when creating ------------- 2024.08.22 - version 3.6.5 * Change: Allow Textarea type as text type in dynamic list * Fix: Archive Post and Related Post read more link styling selectors * Change: Wrap more-link with div tag ------------- 2024.08.12 - version 3.6.4 * New: Checkout/cart templates & modules * Fix: Advanced Posts missing author URL schema * Fix: Read More button Styling is not working in the Archive post module * Fix: When using AP module in Search page, the order of results don't match regular search * Fix: Archive Post module Post meta dropdown obstructed ------------- 2024.06.13 - version 3.6.3 * Fix: Pro template conflict with PTB archive and search ------------- 2024.06.10 - version 3.6.2 * Fix: Dynamic content: fix some PTB options not showing ------------- 2024.05.14 - version 3.6.1 * New: Cart Icon: Add icon text * Fix: Out of Stock label cannot be changed in the add to cart module * Fix: A.Products module does not show products without price when sorting by price * Fix: The related post module shows the current post * Fix: In Event post-type, the upcoming/past event filter does not work ------------- 2024.04.22 - version 3.6.0 * New: Add data type in Dynamic > Custom Field * Fix: PTB Relations no results * Fix: Advanced Posts not connecting with Themify Product Filters * Fix: In event post-type, the Upcoming/past event filter does not work * Fix: The align post option does not work in the advanced post module ------------- 2024.04.16 - version 3.5.9 * Fix: Template display conditions don't show PTB 'product' post type * Fix: Related product font title styling does not work with Shoppe * Fix: Archive template does not show all posts in PTB archive view * Fix: Advanced Posts returns no posts on PTB archive view * Fix: Advanced Products: The product-per-page option is missing when pagination is activated * Fix: Advanced Posts returns wrong search results * Fix: The author is no longer displaying in post meta module ------------- 2024.04.09 - version 3.5.8 * Fix: Enhance Advanced Posts/Products query & dynamic content preview * Fix: Hide empty module option causing module disappear when it has no content * Fix: Dynamic background image from PTB custom field doesn't work ------------- 2024.03.29 - version 3.5.7 * Fix: ACF Repeater not working * Fix: PTB dynamic image background not outputting ------------- 2024.03.27 - version 3.5.6 * New: Add some dynamic options for row CSS class * Fix: Related Posts & Archive Posts: moved the more link option under Content > Excerpt * Fix: The Upsell product module doesn't follow the layout * Fix: PTB Repeater error ------------- 2024.03.12 - version 3.5.5 * Fix: Dynamic: PTB Number shouldn't output thousand separator and decimal point if it is empty ------------- 2024.03.11 - version 3.5.4 * Fix: Product Image > Sale badge position always reset to left selection * Fix: Dynamic content for product sale price & currency symbol ------------- 2024.03.01 - version 3.5.3 * Fix: Dynamic content doesn't work in Accordion nested * Fix: Single Pro template overrides WP oEmbed * Fix: Builder: Ajax navigation exclude category doesn't work ------------- 2024.02.28 - version 3.5.2 * Fix: Advanced Posts: Can't edit some modules * Fix: Builder generate-style.css console error for some old layout data ------------- 2024.02.23 - version 3.5.1 * Fix: Builder: Conflict by WP Rocket and Jetpack optimize features * Fix: Predesigned template list infinite scroll doesn't work ------------- 2024.02.19 - version 3.5.0 * New: Add option to display category term cover image on product meta module * New: Add template priority order option * New: Add pagination option to Taxonomy module * Change: Advanced Posts: Remove list-thumb-image and grid2-thumb layout option * Fix: Search Form's Post Type is not applied on Search Results * Fix: In the Archive Post template the order of post elements sorting doesn't work on Firefox * Fix: With PTB Search on the page, Advanced Posts orderby custom field gets override * Fix: Upsell Products Grid 5 and Grid 6 not working * Fix: Site Logo Module in Builder Pro Overwriting Title and Alt Tags * Fix: Map & Gallery module PTB dynamic missing "Display Condition" additional options * Remove: Title attribute in site logo img ------------- 2023.12.15 - version 3.1.3 * Change: Make cart icon dropdown panel open on right side ------------- 2023.09.27 - version 3.1.2 * New: Role Access: Add Enable For Owned Posts option * Fix: Post meta field dropdown is cut off with Post Meta module * Fix: Cart Icon: Dropdown style doesn't work correctly and it covers the content below * Fix: Builder Pro: Advanced Posts Module's Post Filter not working on mobile devices ------------- 2023.07.26 - version 3.1.1 * New: Add option to product gallery dynamic to display variation images * Change: Disable Builder static text for Pro Templates * Fix: background settings for dynamic component images do not apply * Fix: Pagination does not work on PTB Search using the Advanced Posts * Fix: Add to cart button is cut off with WooCommerce Shopdock plugin activated ------------- 2023.06.19 - version 3.1.0 * New: Archive Posts & Advanced Posts: Add ellipsis option for excerpt mode * Fix: PHP notice in dynamic content script ------------- 2023.06.09 - version 3.0.9 * New: Allow displaying PTB Search results in Pro templates * Fix: PTB Repeater module doesn't show repeatable text fields * Fix: Exporting Pro theme shows an error [object Event] * Fix: Code module: PTB Textarea dynamic content formatting issue ------------- 2023.03.01 - version 3.0.8 * New: Add PTB rating dynamic to Builder's Rating Star module * Fix: Read more link option doesnt show if post has custom excerpt entered * Change: Improve options for Comments module ------------- 2023.01.30 - version 3.0.7 * Fix: ACF dynamic list doesn't show all fields when re-edit * Fix: Pre-designed themes & templates not loading ------------- 2023.01.06 - version 3.0.6 * Fix: Translated WPML Pro templates not effective on live site ------------- 2022.12.30 - version 3.0.5 * Fix: ACF field type select shows blank on Dynamic content option ------------- 2022.12.23 - version 3.0.4 * Change: Make Reading Time available in Layout Part ------------- 2022.12.16 - version 3.0.3 * Fix: Minor issue ------------- 2022.12.14 - version 3.0.2 * Fix: Featured Image in Archive Post can't edit * Fix: Error when a pro module disabled ------------- 2022.12.09 - version 3.0.1 * Fix: Error when loading a non-existent module * Fix: CDN, Cloudflare Rocket Loader, cache issues ------------- 2022.12.07 - version 3.0.0 * Update to work with Themify v7 * WARNING: This is a major update. Please read the release notes before updating: https://themify.me/blog/themify-v7-release-faster-better * New: Taxonomy module * New: Reading Time module * New: Post Content: Add reading progress bar * New: Allow dynamic content on Post Title custom link field * New: Add options to filter on sale, featured and top rated products * New: Add hide empty module for post modules * Fix: Advanced Posts: Custom excerpt length does not work with large number * Fix: Clickable link dynamic feature not working * Fix: Cart Icon: Dropdown style directs to cart page when tapping on mobile * Fix: Breadcrumb schema markup issue * Fix: In the advanced product module the Pagination is not working correctly * Fix: Post Meta: term text missing space before icon * Fix: Hide sales badge option in product image module ------------- 2022.06.24 - version 2.3.2 * Fix: PTB repeatable text display * Fix: Private products do not show ------------- 2022.06.01 - version 2.3.1 * New: Add PTB Repeater for repeatable fields * Fix: WooCommerce paypal payments plugin not supported in Add to Cart module * FIx: Read more text field hidden when editing page type template ------------- 2022.05.17 - version 2.3.0 * Fix: Dynamic toggle switch missing on content Builder modules if Pro template activated * Fix: Product description dynamic doesn't return line break * Fix: Can't edit template option in backend * Fix: Cart Icon dropdown render delay issue * Fix: The links inside Content Overlay > Layout Part is clickable even it is hidden ------------- 2022.04.13 - version 2.2.9 * New: Add taxonomy option on post & woocommerce dynamic list * Fix: Post Meta: If taxonomy term is empty, don't show the text before/after ------------- 2022.04.01 - version 2.2.8 * Fix: Archive Products doesn't show products on Builder preview * Fix: SKU doesn't update to reflect the selected product variant ------------- 2022.03.24 - version 2.2.7 * Fix: Cart module: your cart is empty text has render delay * Fix: Menu: dropdown menu cause empty space in footer template * Fix: Product Review Tabs: Tab Title and Active Tab Title Styling is not working ------------- 2022.03.18 - version 2.2.6 * Fix: Incorrect closing div tags if only header or footer template in use ------------- 2022.03.16 - version 2.2.5 * New: Add new options to various modules * New: Add Product Taxonomy module * New: Add query by slug/ID in Advanced Posts/Products * New: Add Dynamic Query feature to Advanced Posts and Advanced Products * Change: Move Search Form module assets to Builder Pro from framework * Fix: Bug in Advanced Posts with number or next/prev link option * Fix: On product single template, content Builder can't turn on with short description * Fix: Cart module cart count shows on page load * Fix: Advanced Post: the display arrows middle option doesn?t work * Fix: Advanced Products module in Shop page can not query custom categories * Fix: Cart module count/text shows during page load * Fix: Product price module not displaying correctly for variable products ------------- 2022.02.22 - version 2.2.4 * New: Add image size option in related product module * Fix: Cannot change product image size using product image module ------------- 2022.02.04 - version 2.2.3 * Fix: Fix responsive row_inner max-width * Fix: On product single template, content Builder can't turn on with short description * Fix: Bug in Advanced Posts Module with Pagination * Fix: Post filter not working on Advanced Posts and Advanced Products ------------- 2022.01.28 - version 2.2.2 * New: Add product filter with Ajax filter in Advanced Post and Advanced Products * New: Add Statistic module * New: Add WooCommerce Hook module * New: Add Suggested Keywords option to Search Form module * New: Add an option to show product tabs module as accordion * New: Add text alignment option for add to cart module button text * Fix: View options label should change to add to cart on single * Fix: The skip to content link is broken when user use the Pro template for page content/pro header * Fix: Cart module dropdown issue on Shoppe * Fix: PTB Relations not showing any posts ------------- 2021.11.17 - version 2.2.1 * New: Add options icon on Advanced Products/Posts module * New: Add ACF date field type * Fix: Builder Pro Cover Image added in product category cannot be removed * Fix: If you have an entrance animation in advance post module it will not show up * Fix: When "Turn On Builder" mode comment form module is not displayed on single template * Fix: Shoppe: Product gallery settings in shoppe conflicts with product image module * Fix: Web accessibility warning with cart module if you use it more than once in same template ------------- 2021.11.03 - version 2.2.0 * New: add post type option to Related Posts module * New: Add ACF Repeater module ------------- 2021.10.14 - version 2.1.9 * New: Add option to query filter features * New: add WC product dimension data to Dynamic Content * New: integrate PTB Relations and ACF Relation fields with Dynamic Query * Fix: Product image module is not following the image sizes set in module settings * Fix: Cart module dropdown alignment issue * Fix: Product image module gallery thumbnail display issue if you have more than 6 images * Fix: If you have a single product template created the draft products cannot be previewed * Fix: Advanced product module added in Shop archive template does not show products ------------- 2021.08.18 - version 2.1.8 * Fix: Custom fonts don't import from Pro theme import * Fix: Advanced product module added in Shop archive template does not show products ------------- 2021.07.29 - version 2.1.7 * New: Add breadcrumb module for post types post * Fix: Pro Theme Import is not working * Fix: Thumbnail stylings made in product module are not working if product gallery layout is not default woocommerce * Fix: Date spacing in post meta module is incorrect * Fix: Related Product Module grid layout does no render correctly * Fix: 404 error on search result pages when using Pro templates ------------- 2021.06.09 - version 2.1.6 * Fix: Pro template row GS font color overriding content generated css ------------- 2021.06.02 - version 2.1.5 * New: Add template option on toolbar on backend template edit * New: Add category/taxonomy image * Fix: Pagination is not working while selecting tags in Display Conditions * Fix: Row font and link color override search overlay ------------- 2021.05.10 - version 2.1.4 * New: Advanced Product: add option to query by any taxonomy * Fix: If shopdock plugin is activated builder pro templates row width is getting affected * Fix: The excerpt mode does not work on attachment post template * Fix: If WPML Plugin is active the Pro Templates doesn't apply to Child Pages * Fix: The Excerpt added in posts are not displaying in search templates * Fix: Add category/taxonomy search option on Search module * Fix: The excerpt mode does not work on attachment post template ------------- 2021.04.19 - version 2.1.3 * NEW: Add integration for ACF * Fix: Upsell module still visible even if it is empty ------------- 2021.03.16 - version 2.1.2 * New: Add slider layout option in post/product archive modules * New: Display an error message when importing duplicate Pro theme name * Fix: broken markup on CPT pages * Fix: Advance product module is not editable on the frontend * Fix: Ptb custom field (select) is not showing on the live page * Fix: The slide cart module opens behind of the body overlay in Safari * Fix: If any pro template is activated the hook content added gets duplicated ------------- 2021.02.22 - version 2.1.1 * Fix: Hook content gets duplicated after the new update of builder pro ------------- 2021.02.19 - version 2.1.0 * New: Add order and order by option to Archive Products module * New: Add overlay search form option * New: Add image caption to Featured Image module * New: Make Themify hook content locations work in Pro templates * Fix: Missing archive title and archive description on dynamic content list * Fix: Post navigation module links do not match the post title ------------- 2021.01.26 - version 2.0.9 * New: Add product category image on dynamic content option * Fix: Dynamic post permalink option does not with custom enter ID number ------------- 2021.01.15 - version 2.0.8 * Fix: Advanced Post image lightbox next/prev is in reverse order * Fix: Dynamic row background image position is not working * Fix: 404 errors on product archive pagination if products per page is lower than WP posts per page * Fix: Post archive display condition doesn't apply to WP posts page setting * Fix: WPML compatibility (template translation) * Change: Display template assignment priority based on view (ie. single has higher priority than archive) ------------- 2020.12.02 - version 2.0.7 * Fix: Private posts won't show the content to logged-in user * Fix: JS error on Builder edit screen * Fix: Hide page options custom panel on template backend edit ------------- 2020.11.16 - version 2.0.6 * Fix: couldn't open module edit lightbox in backend * Fix: When shopdock plugin is activated the single product page created by builder pro gets distorted ------------- 2020.11.12 - version 2.0.5 * New: Add list-post layout option on Related Posts * Fix: In the Product-Description module the content is shown twice in the builder mode * Fix: Advanced Posts show blank on frontend CPT archive Builder mode ------------- 2020.11.07 - version 2.0.4 * Fix: Do not display posts in PTB relation dynamic content if there is no posts ------------- 2020.11.04 - version 2.0.3 * Fix: Using Post module on archive pages always excludes the latest post * Fix: Get rid of "This is where you add products" text on shop page * Fix: Module repeatable field (eg. Button module) dynamic reset on re-edit ------------- 2020.10.20 - version 2.0.2 * Fix: Order by query by custom field key * Fix: Grid5 and grid6 icon broken on archive modules ------------- 2020.10.13 - version 2.0.1 * Fix: Feature image module is not applying correct styles on live pages ------------- 2020.10.05 - version 2.0.0 * Fix: