2024.04.09 - version 1.3.1 * Fix: Post content lacks paragraph line breaks ------------- 2024.04.03 - version 1.3.0 * Fix: Ticket purchase link visibility doesn't follow the start/end date ------------- 2024.02.19 - version 1.2.9 * Update to use with Themify v7.5 (https://themify.me/blog/themify-v7-5-official-release) * PHP 8.2 compatibility ------------- 2024.01.20 - version 1.2.8 * Fix: XSS issue ------------- 2023.11.03 - version 1.2.7 * Fix: In Gutenberg editor Category panel is missing in Event post * Fix: Disable timezone offset in schema data ------------- 2023.08.30 - version 1.2.6 * Fix dash html entity on event date ------------- 2023.07.28 - version 1.2.5 * Fix: Dynamic header image added via dynamic content is not working for event posts * Change: Re-enable theme page.php WP featured image support ------------- ------------- 2022.10.13 - version 1.2.4 * Update for Themify framework updates ------------- 2022.07.28 - version 1.2.3 * Fix: Empty Categories show critical error ------------- 2022.04.01 - version 1.2.2 * Fix: Event Post module missing featured image in Layout Part ------------- 2022.03.01 - version 1.2.1 * Add .tep_term_separator class in post meta term links ------------- 2022.01.27 - version 1.2.0 * Fix: Compatibility issues with WP 5.9 ------------- 2022.01.25 - version 1.1.9 * Add more link option when excerpt display is selected ------------- 2022.01.18 - version 1.1.8 * Fix: PHP notice in themify-metabox ------------- 2021.09.17 - version 1.1.7 * Fix: Schema code for event post not generating ------------- 2021.01.25 - version 1.1.6 * Fix: Search conflict with Themify event post plugin ------------- 2020.12.22 - version 1.1.5 * Fix: RSS feed generation ------------- 2020.12.04 - version 1.1.4 * Fix: Frontend missing ticket price * Fix: xss attack prevention in metabox ------------- 2020.11.17 - version 1.1.3 * Fix: Event type, organizer name and link are not output on frontend ------------- 2020.10.05 - version 1.1.2 * Add compatibility for Themify framework 5.0 ------------- 2020.08.20 - version 1.1.1 * Fix: PHP notices with WP 5.5 ------------- 2020.08.15 - version 1.1.0 * Fix: Deprecated error message from WP 5.5 update ------------- 2020.01.15 - version 1.0.9 * Fix: If Themify theme has event post type, skip plugin activation ------------- 2019.11.29 - version 1.0.8 * Fix: Title html tag shouldn't output if it is empty ------------- 2019.11.18 - version 1.0.7 * Fix: PHP compatibility checker show warnings ------------- 2019.10.31 - version 1.0.6 * Add: Schema markup for search engines * Fix: Live Search doesn't show Event Posts ------------- 2019.07.24 - version 1.0.5 * Fix: Multiple Google map API error ------------- 2019.05.09 - version 1.0.4 * Updated to work with Themify framework 4.5 * Add span wrappers to event date ------------- 2019.03.26 - version 1.0.3 * Fix: Hide event end date on display not working * Repeated events are not displayed as upcoming events ------------- 2018.09.25 - version 1.0.2 * Add compatibility for Builder Mosaic ------------- 2018.08.28 - version 1.0.1 * Fix: Event single template uses theme PHP template instead of custom template ------------- 2018.08.16 - version 1.0.0 * Initial release