2024.09.17 - version 1.5.2 * Fix: XSS issue ------------- 2024.08.22 - version 1.5.1 * Fix: WC Filter Products By Price widget breaks the price filter in WPF * Fix: Support for WooPayment multi-currency system * Fix: Incompatible with the High-Performance order storage ------------- 2024.06.18 - version 1.5.0 * Fix: Security issue ------------- 2024.06.10 - version 1.4.9 * Change: Allow deselecting the current viewing category filter * Fix: Product filter import that check existing filter ------------- 2024.05.14 - version 1.4.8 * Fix: Product Filters doesn't work with Elementor Products module ------------- 2024.04.23 - version 1.4.7 * Fix: Conflicting shortcode with searchandfilter - change shortcode from [searchandfilter] to [tf_product_filter] to avoid conflicts ------------- 2024.03.08 - version 1.4.5 * Fix: User manage options ------------- 2024.03.08 - version 1.4.4 * Fix: XSS issue ------------- 2023.12.14 - version 1.4.3 * Fix: Horizontal filter layout dropdown not accessible on hover filter ------------- 2023.12.07 - version 1.4.2 * New: Categories: add option to show only children of current category * Fix: Filter Dropdown not clickable on mobile phone ------------- 2023.10.24 - version 1.4.1 * Fix: WooCommerce latest version incompatability message ------------- 2023.08.23 - version 1.4.0 * Tested with latest version of WP ------------- 2022.05.31 - version 1.3.9 * New: Add variant display option * New: Add hierarchy options to custom taxonomies * Change: Default logic for category search * Change: Include children in category search by default ------------- 2022.05.16 - version 1.3.8 * Fix: XSS issue ------------- 2022.04.05 - version 1.3.7 * Fix: Error with PHP8 ------------- 2021.11.27 - version 1.3.6 * New: add filter by taxonomy option * Fix: Filtered products doesn't have masonry layout and show a distorted layout with pro product archive template * Fix: The Import feature is not working * Fix: Product page template changes if you hit back button after filtering products ------------- 2021.06.09 - version 1.3.5 * Fix: On product filter form builder, load categories/tags/attributes on demand * Fix: Add Custom order option for Product Attributes * Fix: Swiss Francs Currency issue (currency position) * Fix: Price Slider not working when using non-Latin field title ------------- 2020.12.22 - version 1.3.4 * Fix: Critical compatibility fix with Polylang * Fix: Some fixes with read more button ------------- 2020.12.11 - version 1.3.3 * Fix: WP 5.6 update breaks price slider ------------- 2020.11.30 - version 1.3.2 * Fix: Product filter not working with woocommerce module * Fix: Product Filter result page doesn't remain Builder content on Shop page * Fix: Clear button not working on pre-filtered URLs * Fix: The Pagination is hidden after filtering * Fix: Show results on a different page not working * Fix: Product Filter doesn't display result correctly with multiple Builder WooCommerce modules on the page * Fix: Product Filter doesn't work on single product/post * Fix: Product Filter: Price slider doesn't work on touch screens ------------- 2020.07.18 - version 1.3.1 * Fix: Trigger infinite scroll when the products wrapper ends * Fix: On Divi shop module, uncheck all categories doesn't go back to the selected display category ------------- 2020.07.06 - version 1.3.0 * New: compatibility with Divi Builder and its Shop module * Fix: Divi shop module styling doesn't apply on product filter result * Fix: No Error message on empty results ------------- 2020.06.26 - version 1.2.9 * Fix: Divi shop module styling changes after filter ------------- 2020.06.24 - version 1.2.8 * NOTE: This is a major update. Please test it on a test/staging stie before updating. * New: Make viewing category filter (checked & disabled default) to selectable * New: Product Filter and Builder Pro compatibility (use Pro templates as product filter results) * New: Add integration for WPML * New: Add option to exclude "All" option for radio and select * Fix: JS error when unchecking a filter that has no result * Fix: Search by product title fails if title contains html entities * Fix: Add sort option to match product categories order as admin listing * Fix: "Show category hierarchy" not working on vertical layout ------------- 2020.05.12 - version 1.2.7 * New: Add Elementor and product filter integration * New: Add Themify Builder and product filter integration * Fix: Keep product filter on the shop page if it is inserted via shop page content * Fix: Divi "Show Pagination" option doesn't work if Themify Product Filter is activated * Fix: Filter not applying on Infinite Scroll pagination ------------- 2020.04.03 - version 1.2.6 * Fix: Price parameter doesn't work for filter through URL * Fix: Divi product sale badge covers horizontal product filter * Fix: When WPML is activated, field title input is missing on admin * New: Add Category Filter to Portfolio posts ------------- 2020.02.20 - version 1.2.5 * Fix: Product Filter reset button doesn't reset select option * Fix: Product Filter display different grid on Divi Shop module * New: Add rounded corners to user interface ------------- 2020.01.28 - version 1.2.4 * New: Add rounded corners to user interface * New: Add reset filter button * New: Add Themify Builder and Divi shop module compability * Fix: If you reach ?No products were found matching your selection", reload page will break layout * Fix: Price slider doesn't slide on mobile devices * Fix: Replace themify-icon font to css icons * Fix: After toggle panel is expanded, clicking on arrow should close it * Fix: Using product filter on single product, content shows again on reload * Fix: Using product filter on single product, content shows again on reload * Fix: Product Filter not working on OceanWP Theme * Fix: Can't filter products with URLs * Fix: Field Title's Language tabs are not working ------------- 2019.12.02 - version 1.2.3 * New: Add integration with Divi Shop module * Fix: Using product filter on single product, content shows again on reload * Fix: WooCommerce custom ordering position do not work ------------- 2019.11.11 - version 1.2.2 * Fix: Doesn't work with Storefront and some themes after last update ------------- 2019.10.30 - version 1.2.1 * Fix: Product layout breaks after filtering products * Fix: Filter Layout option doesn't apply the correct layouts on front-end * Fix: Search conflict with Storefront theme * Fix: Hide out of stock doesn't work for variable inventory ------------- 2019.07.11 - version 1.2.0 * New: Add option to display background image in attribute icons * Fix: Filter not working if Standard Pagination is used * Fix: Price filter doesn't work with decimals ------------- 2019.03.18 - version 1.1.9 * Fix: Search result is not following the WooCommerce default product sorting settings * Fix: Unable to toggle filter groups on mobile ------------- 2018.12.07 - version 1.1.8 * Fix: Unchecking product filter options will query attribute products * Fix: The scroll to doesn't work when masonry and infinity scroll is enabled * Fix: Masonry is broken ------------- 2018.09.25 - version 1.1.7 * Add: Option to exclude out of stock products * Fix: Default Woocommerce filter doesn`t work when Product filter is on * Fix: Not working with masonry layout * Fix: Import button doesn't work * Fix: SKU doesn't work with variable products * Fix: Don't display product variations post type for "on sale" products * Fix: Add option to set options as collapsed by default * Fix: Missing margins in grid ------------- 2018.02.22 - version 1.1.6 * Fix: Search in subcategories as well * Fix: Max price issue * Fix: Price range buttons doesn't work properly * Fix: Round Price to top ------------- 2018.02.13 - version 1.1.5 * Fix: Plugin doesn't work with WooCommerce 3.3.0+ update * Fix: Issue with WooCommerce saying it hasnt been tested * Fix: Category links dont work ------------- 2018.01.04 - version 1.1.4 * Add: Include categories tags ID input * Fix: Search result page shows double WooCommerce sort dropdown andnresult note ------------- 2017.11.21 - version 1.1.3 * Add: Option to exclude certain product categories tags by either slugnor ID number * Fix: Masonry doesnt work on result page * Fix: SQL query happens in every page of admin dashboard * Fix: Products out of stock appear even with in stock filter isnselected * Fix: WordPress Text widget editor adds extra p and br tags * Fix: WP4.8.1 Text widget and autop ------------- 2017.09.29 - version 1.1.2 * Fix: WP 4.8.1 Text widget and autop ------------- 2017.09.29 - version 1.1.1 * Add: Active styling to price range * Add: An option to show product filter form on search result page * Fix: The shop page shows different products after checking/uncheckingna category * Fix: Breaks the color picker in Themify Custom Panel * Fix: Search result page option is not showing * Fix: Installing WC Product Filter breaks themes color chooser ------------- 2017.08.28 - version 1.1.0 * Fix: Search result page option is not showing ------------- 2017.08.23 - version 1.0.9 * Fix: After unchecking the categories it doesnt return correct products * Fix: Sidebar widget list elements show bullets * Fix: Icon font is broken ------------- 2017.07.17 - version 1.0.8 * Add: Option to show product filter form on search result page * Tweak: One column option not available * Tweak: Remove paragraphs from builder layout parts added to textnwidgets * Fix: New text widget adds paragraphs to filter elements * Fix: Search by variables products attributes * Fix: Standard pagination doesnt work * Fix: Page title is gone on search result page * Fix: Unselecting options will bring back pagination * Fix: Sale filter doesnt work for variable product * Fix: Category Order and Order by didnt work ------------- 2017.04.20 - version 1.0.7 * Fix: Issues with WooCommerce 3.0 ------------- 2017.04.03 - version 1.0.6 * Add: Infinity Scroll * Add: Radio and select option to display filter options * Add: Add logic for categories * Tweak: Use WooCommerce Settings >Currency Optoins to display thenprice slider and price range * Fix: Hide product sorting doesnt work * Fix: Horizontal layout issue when we choose on a shop page * Fix: Form display issue in Shop page * Fix: Causing issue with the latest Themify Framework Layout ------------- 2017.01.19 - version 1.0.4 * Add: Support for custom attributes ordering * Add: Price range group filters * Tweak: Filter down current results * Fix: Product result page shows 404 on reload * Fix: Product filter forms not exportable * Fix: Dropdown sorter doesnt work * Fix: Cannot network activate * Fix: Form doesnt work in product single view ------------- 2016.11.17 - version 1.0.3 * Fix: Plugin doesn't work on certain third-party WordPress themes ------------- 2016.11.14 - version 1.0.2 * Fix: Price slider not showing on frontend ------------- 2016.11.08 - version 1.0.1 * Fix: Layout icons * Fix: Description label wording ------------- 2016.11.04 - version 1.0.0 * Initial Release