Builder Mosaic
Create beautiful masonry tile layouts with the Mosaic addon. Drag & drop to design your own tile template, select the content type (blog posts, WooCommerce products, image galleries, custom post types, directory listing, and more), then a mosaic layout is built instantly. Magic!
Display products from any categories. There are options to hide free products or out of stock products.
WordPress Gallery
Insert a WordPress gallery from your media library. The image caption and title from the media file will be used in the tiles.
RSS Feeds
Display posts dynamically from any RSS feeds. In the example below, the posts are displayed fromĀ Gizmodo’s feeds.
Post Type Builder
Display custom post types created by Post Type Builder plugin. You can map the image, title, and excerpt with custom field created with PTB.
Themify Event Post
The example below pulls the latest event posts from the Themify Event Post plugin.
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Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit.